Who is eligible at Rombool Charitable Pharmacy ?
  • Individuals at or below 300% of the Federal Poverty Level
  • Individuals not covered by any form of prescription insurance
  • Only Florida residents
What kind of proof do you need?
  • Proof of income, if any.
  • No medical insurance
What kind of medications do you carry?
  • Medications pertaining to blood pressure, diabetes, and mental health to start.
Do you carry insulin?
  • Not at the moment, but we will once funding is secured.
How can I get involved and help
  • Donate, Volunteer
Do I qualify if I have insurance?
  • No – anyone who has insurance is not eligible for this program
How many times can I refill my prescription?
  • As many times as you need the services
Can you deliver prescriptions?
  • Yes, we offer free shipping within Florida
Can my doctor send the prescription directly to the pharmacy?
  • Yes. Any questions, please have your provider call us 813-685-4707
What are your hours?
  • They are Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 11 – 4 and Friday from 10 – 3
How long does it take to fill my prescription?
  • Like any other pharmacy, once all the requirements are met, it will be filled promptly
What documents do I need to bring with me to the pharmacy?
  • See 3 forms on the site
Are there doctors or clinics that partner with the pharmacy and provide free checkups?
  • We can guide you to local clinics who can provide these services
How often do I need to recertify?
  • Once every 12 months.